Campaign 2001

Silent March Speaks Out on Gun Violence
Hundreds Convene to Stop Globalization of Gun Violence and Gun Running

What: International rally to stop gun trafficking and save lives. Takingplace during the United Nations first-ever global conference on arms trafficking.

Who: Silent March
American Friends Service Committee
Amnesty International USA
New Yorkers Against Gun Violence,
US consortium of gun activists.

When: Tuesday, July 17, 2001 10-4

Where: Dag Hammarskjold Plaza (Near visitors entrance to UN)
47th Street & 1st Avenue

Why: US domestic gun activists are hosting an international rally at the UN to support comprehensive international regulations. Gun violence is an international epidemic. A half-millionpeople around the world die every year from handguns, assault rifles and other small arms. There is a need to advocate the dangerous and growing problem of international gun trafficking even as some of the world’s biggest powers, including the USA, have shown little interest in making substantial progress.