
We gratefully acknowledge the endorsement of many organizations who support our work.

National Endorsing Organizations
American Academy of Pediatrics
American Association of Suicidology
American Friends Service Committee
American Humane Association
American Jewish Congress
American Public Health Association
Children’s Defense Fund
Church Women United
Coalition to Stop Gun Violence
Friends Committee on National Legislation
Handgun Control, Inc.
HELP Network
Join Together
Mennonite Central Committee, USA
Million Mom March
Physicians for Social Responsibility
Peace Action
United Church of Christ, Office of Church in Society
United Methodist Church
General Board of Church and Society
Unitarian Universalist Association
Women Against Gun Violence

Lastly, we rely on volunteer labor and tax-deductible donations. Many service organizations have provided us invaluable contributions in kind, and hundreds of generous contributors have made this work possible. Profound thanks are due. Quite literally without you it could not have been done.

If you would like to make a donation to the Silent March click below